shape a solution
beacon name

make a prototype


Materialise an element of your project to make it tangible


There is a distinction between the prototype and the pretotype.

The prototype has all the characteristics of the solution, but requires time and resources that are sometimes important.

The pretotype requires little time and effort, simulating the functionalities in a very rudimentary way. Thus, the Apple Watch pretotype was an iPhone attached to the wrist by velcro.

Step 1: Get ready.
You are going to build a rudimentary support to collaborate, expose, collect feedback on all or part of your approach or solution.

- What do you want to materialize?
- For what needs?
- What materials do you have on hand?
- What digital tools are available to you?

Step 2: Action!

As a team, quickly build a pretotype of your project. Think with your hands! Don't look for perfection, proceed by iterations.

If necessary, you can then ask a maker to develop a more elaborate version.

This instruction is a production of the Codesign-it collective, made available under the terms of the Creative Commons - Attribution-Sharing license under the same conditions 4.0 international. CC•BY•SA

beacons in the same family:

Parkour is an approach designed by Codesign-it
under creative commons licence | CC•BY•SA

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