shape a solution
beacon name

conduct a crash test


Understand the limits and weaknesses of your solution in order to strengthen it


Find the reasons why your solution could be called "a failure."

- First, list the known weaknesses in your solution.
- Then, list the situations where your solution may reach its limits by showing other weaknesses.

For each of these reasons, try to overcome the pitfall to strengthen your solution:

- What improvements can be made?
- How can you get around the difficulty?
- Should instructions, precautions or restrictions be provided?
- ...

If you can't remedy the problem, consider a radical change in your project.

This instruction is a production of the Codesign-it collective, made available under the terms of the Creative Commons - Attribution-Sharing license under the same conditions 4.0 international. CC•BY•SA

beacons in the same family:

Parkour is an approach designed by Codesign-it
under creative commons licence | CC•BY•SA

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