activate an ecosystem
beacon name



Use a large community of contributors


If you have any questions about your project or the deployment of your solution, you can call on skills or resources beyond your team.

Soliciting a large community allows you to either :
- enrich your concepts by challenging this community, for example on social networks,
- solve fragments of your problem, by engaging expertise that you do not have in your team,
- finance the development of your solution by launching a subscription or an early purchase (crowdfunding),
- outsource the marketing of your solution by relying on voluntary users,
- and so on

Over the entire development and lifecycle of your solution, what contributions should you seek from partners, customers, suppliers, communities, platforms (e.g. www.innocentive.com), competitors, followers, etc.?

Establish a crowdsourcing plan specifying the expected contributions, channels, timing, modalities, and possible costs, for example if these contributions are remunerated?

This instruction is a production of the Codesign-it collective, made available under the terms of the Creative Commons - Attribution-Sharing license under the same conditions 4.0 international. CC•BY•SA

beacons in the same family:

Parkour is an approach designed by Codesign-it
under creative commons licence | CC•BY•SA

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