serve users
beacon name

think as a user


Understand what matters to your users


1) Which personae?
Following the logic of *persona*, imagine a few characters representing your users. Give each one a first name, and some elements of identity (age, profession, where they live, socio-professional environment...).

2) In the shoes of the personae
Put yourself in each of their shoes and answer the following questions:

As a user,
- what do you see around you? What do you observe as trends, practices, facts that challenge you?
- what do you hear around you? What phrases, what quotes strike you?
- What do you think? What do you feel?
- How do you react to these circumstances? What behaviours do you adopt?

3) Learning
What does the exercise highlight? What does it make you want to question or do?

This instruction is a production of the Codesign-it collective, made available under the terms of the Creative Commons - Attribution-Sharing license under the same conditions 4.0 international. CC•BY•SA

beacons in the same family:

Parkour is an approach designed by Codesign-it
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