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conduct a test


Put your project to the test


Put one or more versions of your solution in the hands of users or stakeholders. You can test all or part of the solution, in order to test certain characteristics of the solution by putting it in a real-life situation.

Step 1: Testing
Divide up the roles and go out into the field to conduct your tests in the way you have imagined.

A few recommendations:
- Try to recreate as much as possible the context of use in real life,
- do not hesitate to test several variants in parallel,
- don't look for the "I like / I don't like", but rather for ways to improve your solution,
- be attentive to all types of returns, document as much as possible!
- thank your testers. Ask them if they wish to be asked again.

Step 2: Learning
Analyze the results of your tests, trying to connect your observations to the hypotheses you wanted to test.

What are you learning in terms of:
- validity of the hypotheses that have guided you so far?
- strengths, weaknesses or blind spots in your project?
- improvements that can be made to your solution?
- your testing approach?
- the next steps for your project?

This instruction is a production of the Codesign-it collective, made available under the terms of the Creative Commons - Attribution-Sharing license under the same conditions 4.0 international. CC•BY•SA
This guideline is a production of the Codesign-it collective, based on the work of Strategyzer. It is made available under the terms of the Creative Commons - Attribution Sharing license under the same international 4.0 conditions.

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