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Identify the external forces impacting your project


Your project is part of a context. Take the measure of the external forces at work, be they economic, social, cultural, political, etc.

Do a quick round of your team to list your potential sources of information on the changes in your environment. For example: expert reports, documents, videos, databases, as well as your own observations...

If you have too few sources, plan an exploration: divide up the roles, set yourself deadlines in the coming days to gather as much knowledge as possible.

When you have enough sources at hand, share and compare this information with your own experience to better understand the following factors:

> Macroeconomics
- economic climate
- capital and financial markets
- distribution of wealth and income
- access to raw materials and other resources
- costs of these resources (procurement and related fees)

> Levers
- society, culture and values
- technical innovations
- regulation
- demography
- territories
- infrastructure and networks

> Demand
- explicit or latent needs
- behaviours and purchasing power
- customer and user segmentation
- their perception of existing supply
- customer segments that are still neglected or emerging
- influencers and prescribers
- customer versatility in response to offers

> Offer
- existing and emerging solutions
- products, services and alternatives
- dominant players in your sector. Competitors and cooperators
- new entrants, niche players, troublemakers
- channels, suppliers, partners
- stances of these different actors towards demand
- business model of these players
- their competitive advantages and weaknesses

Next, select the 5 trends that have the greatest impact on your project. How can you concretely take them into account in your project?

This instruction is a production of the Codesign-it collective, made available under the terms of the Creative Commons - Attribution-Sharing license under the same conditions 4.0 international. CC•BY•SA

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Parkour is an approach designed by Codesign-it
under creative commons licence | CC•BY•SA

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