Make your solution unique
You are going to compare the main advantages and the value that your competitors offer to what you are offering. In doing so, you will be able to better understand the advantages of your offer and how you can make your solution unique.
To do so, you are going to represent value curves. These are diagrams that compare competing solutions on a series of points ranging from low to high. These can be characteristics, distribution patterns, or consumption patterns of a product.
1. Use the example canvas to draw your own blank canvas
2. Place a post-it with the name of your offer above "Your offer".
3. Place post-its with the name of 2 competing offers above "Competing offer 1 and 2", from the perspective of your customers. Think broadly, from the customer's point of view our competitors are not always who we think they are...
4. Now, identify a series of benefits you think your solution provides to users, and place them on the horizontal axis.
Complete this with the advantages of your competitors' solutions. Overall, these advantages represent the "competitive factors".
5. Now score each advantage (yours and those of your competitors), and then connect the dots so that you have three different value curves on your canvas.
6. Look at the result and assess whether your solution has an advantageous positioning, i.e. whether it is clearly higher than the competitors' by as many points as possible.
7. Try to improve your different competitive points by increasing or decreasing your performance on specific factors, creating a new point or eliminating some of them.
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