run the project
beacon name

align with strategy


Assess the consistency of your project with the overall strategy


At this stage of your project, take the time to check how your efforts and the solution you develop fit into your organization's overall strategy.

There is probably a document that sets out this strategy: a roadmap, a corporate vision or mission, some messages from leaders, or even guidelines defined as part of this project approach (for example, Tags).

Display these elements, and check off each element of the strategy to which your project and solution will contribute concretely.

If you can check everything, it means that your approach is probably too conventional, and will not bring significant innovation.

If you can check off a few elements, that's good enough. An innovation will never be able to meet all the strategic challenges.

If you can't tick anything, or too few, talk to decision-makers to find a solution.

Quickly formalize a document, which succinctly presents the adequacy of your work with the strategic issues of the organization, point by point, in order to circulate it.

This instruction is a production of the Codesign-it collective, made available under the terms of the Creative Commons - Attribution-Sharing license under the same conditions 4.0 international. CC•BY•SA

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